Arete Fellowship

EA SAIS has opened applications for the Arete Fellowship. This exclusive program is now available at numerous universities worldwide and provides a fast-track introduction to Effective Altruism.

The fellowship is designed for driven students who possess a strong desire to thoughtfully consider their capacity to create a positive global influence through rational thinking.

Apply here!

DEADLINE: September 12, 11:59 PM.

What is it about?

Effective altruism (EA) is an ongoing project to find the best ways to do good and put them into practice.

Our core goal with this program is to introduce you to some of the principles and thinking tools behind effective altruism

We hope that these tools can help you as you think through how you can best help the world.

Fellowship Structure

Each session of the program has a section of Required Materials and sometimes an exercise, which you are expected to complete in advance of the weekly meeting to help you get the most out of the program and give a better experience to your peers.

We think that the Required Materials take most people about 1-2 hours to get through, and the exercise another 30-60 minutes. We have matched the readings and exercises so that, in total, we think it will take around 1 hour per week to prepare for the session.

The exercises help you put the concepts from the reading into practice.

Approximate reading times are given for each of the Required Materials. Generally, we’d prefer you to take your time and think through the readings instead of rushing.